Rosacea Dos And Don'ts

Posted on: 6 June 2016

According to the National Rosacea Society, over 16 million Americans are afflicted with rosacea. This common skin condition causes redness of the face that sometimes looks like acne. Although there is no known cure for this condition, there are a few dos and don'ts to follow that will help keep it under control. 

Do Identify Your Triggers

The best way to stay in remission and prevent rosacea flare-ups is to identify what triggers an outbreak so that you can avoid it in the future. For example, if stress seems to bring about the rosacea, try eliminating excess activities and incorporate herbal teas and exercise into your diet, which are known to help reduce stress. Perhaps you notice more redness after you consume spicy foods. In that case, simply remove spicy dishes from your menu planning. 

Do Wear Sunscreen

Most rosacea sufferers are affected by the sun and summer temperatures. It is important to protect the skin on your face with a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher with either the ingredient zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. To stay cool, wear a hat and clothing that is loose fitting. A neck cooling scarf is another great way to keep your body from overheating during the hottest months of the year. 

Don't Take a Hot Bath

Again, just like the excessive summer heat causes flare-ups, so does a hot bath. Opt for a temperature that is comfortable and warm but not steaming hot. Also, keep an eye on the products you use in the bath. If any of them lead to redder skin with more pimple-like eruptions, they may contain a chemical that irritates your skin. Put those products on a list of items to avoid. 

Don't Use Facial Scrubs

Facial scrubs often contain tiny beads that are meant to remove dead skin cells from the face. Unfortunately, they are too harsh on skin that is prone to rosacea outbreaks. It is best to select a gentle cleanser and stay away from scrubbing. Splash the soap off of your face after applying the cleanser and then pat dry with a towel. 

Following the above tips will help you keep your symptoms to a minimum; however, it is always best to seek the advice of a licensed dermatologist at a clinic like East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC. He or she will be able to monitor the condition and prescribe a cream or antibiotic to treat the symptoms as needed. 
